Dating Flags

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Dating Flags

Dating Flags



Sunday, March 10, 2024

Dating Flags

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Dating Flags



Sunday, March 10, 2024

happn's Guide to Flag Spotting: Navigating the Dating Traffic Light System

happn's Guide to Flag Spotting: Navigating the Dating Traffic Light System

Ready to dive into the exciting, sometimes confusing world of online dating? happn has your back with a handy traffic-light system to help you spot the good, the bad, and the “maybe” in your potential Crushes. Think of it as your ultimate guide to flag spotting—a new adventure sport for the digital age!

Red Light: Stop and Rethink

Let’s start with those glaring red flags. These signals mean you should proceed with caution, or maybe not at all. Here’s what to watch out for:

  • “I am not a big fan of commitments…”

    • Translation: They’re here for a good time, not a long time.

  • “Let’s take a rain check (every time).”

    • Translation: They’re flaky and unsure about meeting in person.

  • “You're saying no, but I know what you want.”

    • Translation: They don’t respect your consent—major red flag.

  • “Are you PMSing?”

    • Translation: They’re belittling your emotions and stereotyping your behavior.

  • “Are you sure you're going out in that?”

    • Translation: They have controlling tendencies about your appearance.

Yellow Light: Proceed with Caution

Next up, the yellow flags. These signals aren’t deal-breakers but do warrant a closer look:

  • “If anyone asks how we met, it wasn’t here!”

    • Translation: They’re embarrassed about using a dating app and might hide other parts of their life.

  • “I love you!” (within days of knowing each other)

    • Translation: They’re impulsive and might not think things through.

  • “You're the only one I like spending time with.”

    • Translation: They might lack a solid social circle and could become overly dependent on you.

Green Light: Go for It!

And now, the green flags—these are the signs you’ve been waiting for! When you see these, it’s time to dive in and explore the potential of a great Crush:

  • “My friends are hanging out; would love for you to join us.”

    • Translation: They’re excited to introduce you to their friends and aren’t afraid to show you off.

  • “Enjoy your girls' night; we'll catch up tomorrow.”

    • Translation: They respect your need for personal space and time with your friends.

  • “Tell me all about your day.”

    • Translation: They’re a good listener and genuinely interested in your life.

  • “Here is a playlist I created for you.”

    • Translation: Their love language might be acts of service, showing they think you’re special.

Why This Matters

Whether you’re diving back into dating, recovering from a past relationship, or just wanting to make smarter choices with new partners, happn’s traffic-light system is here to guide you. It’s all about fostering healthy, thriving relationships by helping you read between the lines and make better decisions.

So, gear up and start flag-spotting! With happn’s traffic-light system, you’ll navigate the dating world like a pro and make those sparks fly. Happy dating, lovebirds! 💕

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