
Dating personalities

Dating personalities



Thursday, February 1, 2024


Dating personalities



Thursday, February 1, 2024

Spring into romance with expert tips to navigate the five dating personalities you’ll meet – from charming players to silent types, learn how to handle every date like a pro and keep your love life blooming!

Spring into romance with expert tips to navigate the five dating personalities you’ll meet – from charming players to silent types, learn how to handle every date like a pro and keep your love life blooming!

Hey, lovely readers! Spring is in the air, the sun is shining, and romance is on the horizon. But let's be real—dating can be a wild ride with a variety of personalities, making each date a unique adventure. Ever wondered why some dates feel like a dream while others… do not so much? happn’s dating expert Simone Quist Mathiesen, is here to spill the tea on the five typical dating personalities you’re bound to encounter and how to handle them with grace.

1. The Player: Forever Elusive

We all know this one—the charming player who flirts and keeps you on the hook but never truly commits. They pop up now and then to keep your hopes alive but always stay just out of reach.

Expert Tip: Don’t get your hopes up. If you want a real romantic relationship, it might be best to steer clear. And if you realize you’ve got some player tendencies yourself, take a moment to figure out what you really want and start being more honest with your dates.

2. The Silent One: Conversation Killer

Been on a date where your Crush barely speaks and doesn’t ask questions? This is the “silent” dater—someone who makes you work for every bit of conversation.

Expert Tip: If you’re dealing with a silent dater, ask open-ended questions and make them feel comfortable. And if you’re the quiet type, challenge yourself to ask questions you’d like to be asked to keep the conversation flowing.

3. The Hook: Master of Last-Minute Cancellations

They’re super enthusiastic about making plans but always cancel at the last minute, leaving you all dressed up with nowhere to go.

Expert Tip: Don’t waste time on people who don’t value your time. If you tend to cancel dates out of fear or anxiety, remember that a little courage can lead to great happiness. Give it a shot and see what happens!

4. The Self-Centered: It’s All About Them

This dater loves talking about themselves and barely lets you get a word in. They’re obsessed with their achievements and status, making it all about them.

Expert Tip: If you find yourself on a date with a self-centered person, try to steer the conversation back to you. And if you recognize these traits in yourself, practice listening more and showing genuine interest in your date.

5. The Gloomy One: Walking Rain Cloud

They bring a dark cloud with them, focusing on everything negative. Conversations with them quickly turn into a pity party about how terrible the world is.

Expert Tip: Try to steer the conversation towards positive topics and see how they react. If you’re the gloomy one, challenge yourself to find the bright side of things. A change in perspective can make a huge difference!

So next time you’re gearing up for a date, keep these personalities in mind. Whether you’re dealing with a silent type or a self-centered show-off, you’ll know just what to do to make the most of your dating adventures. Happy dating, and may the odds be ever in your favor! 💕

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