
Eco-Friendly Dating

Eco-Friendly Dating



Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Eco-Friendly Dating



Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Going green is the new red hot in romance – find out why eco-friendly dating is sweeping singles off their feet!

Going green is the new red hot in romance – find out why eco-friendly dating is sweeping singles off their feet!

Eco-commitment: a key dating criterion

A recent survey by happn revealed that environmental commitment is crucial for many singles when looking for a partner. For 22% of respondents, especially women aged 25 to 35, a partner's ecological engagement is essential. In fact, 15% have ended relationships due to a lack of eco-awareness from their partner.

And what’s a major deal-breaker? Littering! A whopping 37% of singles are ready to cut a date short if their Crush litters. Younger daters (18-25) prefer eco-friendly date spots like the beach, while Millennials (55%) love nature-filled dates in parks.

Green Flags in everyday practices

Beyond just preferences, daily eco-friendly habits significantly impact dating choices. For 45% of singles, having a high carbon footprint—like the infamous Taylor Swift’s jets—is a massive turn-off. Surprisingly, more singles are willing to stop flying for love (49% of Gen Z) than give up meat, with less than 20% ready to go vegetarian for their partner.

Eco-friendly date ideas

  1. Coffee and a park walk: Enjoy a sustainable date with coffee and a stroll through a park.

  2. Free art galleries: Explore free exhibitions and bond over art.

  3. Sunset watching: Find a cozy spot to watch the sunset—it’s romantic and free.

  4. Museum visits: Many museums offer free or affordable entry.

  5. Local events: Check out markets, festivals, or community events for a fun, budget-friendly outing.

Ready to make eco-friendly connections? Let happn guide you to a greener, more romantic future. Happy dating!

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