Trust Charter
happn is a mobile app using hyperlocation in real time. It was designed to offer a fun, secure, quality experience. For the experience to meet the expectations of its users, happn has devised a confidence charter with 5 commitments.
Commitment 1: Find the people you’ve crossed paths with… keeping it all confidential!
Your localisation will always remain invisible: you’re able to see roughly where you’ve crossed paths with another member, but not where he or she is located! What is more, the localization of that crossing point will never be shown too precisely.In accordance with the laws and regulations in force to protect privacy and as per the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of April 27, 2016 and French Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 on information technology, data files and civil liberties, you have the right to access, correct, delete and transfer your data and the right to oppose and limit the processing of your data. happn’s contact information is available in Clause 11 of the Privacy Policy. happn promises to never provide your contact information to other members of the app. Your email address, telephone number and true identity are strictly confidential data that cannot, under any circumstances, be revealed by happn to other members.Finally, connecting via Facebook is mandatory, but we’ll never publish anything on your timeline without your consent.
Commitment 2: You’re the one that gets to make the decisions
The concept of systematic mutual opt-in guarantees an experience without any spam. But since one is never too careful, happn is committed to giving its members all the technical means to empower them to prevent certain members from contacting them.When you cross paths with a member, you can choose to click on the Cross: you won’t cross paths with him or her on happn again, and vice versa.By using the “Block” feature, you can prevent any person from seeing you on happn again, or from sending you more messages in the case where you had already opened a conversation.
Commitment 3: No Fakes
happn will never create fake profiles for any reason, except the test profiles created by the happn technical teams. happn also promises to never use hostess or animation services with the intent of increasing the number of profiles and discussions on the application.
Commitment 4: Verify, validate, supervise
You have to be at least 18 years old to become a member of happn. Registration is closed to minors. Our moderators intervene whenever a problem is brought to our attention.You can indeed report a member’s offensive behavior at any time, by clicking on the 3 dots on the top right corner of every profile. Our moderators intervene as soon as a problem has been reported to us.You can report a member’s offensive behavior at any time by clicking the three dots at the top right of the profile or conversation screen.We take all reports into account and don’t hesitate to send a warning or to ban unscrupulous members when necessary.
Commitment 5: Your opinion counts
happn commits to reading every single one of your comments. It is essential for us to understand your expectations and to do our best to meet them. We have people in our team that are dedicated to reading your feedback. Thank you – all this feedback helps us to improve our service day after day.
Commitment 6: Protecting children from sexual exploitation and abuse
The safety and dignity of children is a top priority for us. We strictly prohibit any content, whether real or fictitious (such as illustrations, texts, digital images, media or anime), that could sexualize or endanger a child. This includes any visual representation or discussion of explicit sexual behaviour involving a child, as well as the sharing of links to such content. Any action consisting in creating, conserving, distributing or encouraging the distribution of material related to sexual abuse of children is strictly prohibited, including actions intended to denounce or spread awareness.
We understand that certain interactions may include references to children, for example sharing of anecdotes or photos. These interactions must always remain respectful, appropriate, and compliant with law. Images of children are not authorized, unless their faces are completely blurred or covered. Personal childhood photos must meet the same standards.
Photos showing the private parts or buttocks of babies, children, or young people, even partially covered or hidden by emojis, are not accepted on user profiles.
Any infringement of these rules will trigger immediate and definitive suspension of the account and the relevant authorities will be alerted. In compliance with legislation in force, any suspicion or proof of sexual exploitation, inappropriate soliciting, or mistreatment of a child will be reported to the French Association of Internet Service Providers (AFA). This association is certified to communicate these alerts to law enforcement, nationally and internationally.
Also, as a reminder, minors are strictly prohibited from using the application.