Spanish (Argentina)

Recursos útiles

Recursos útiles

Recursos útiles

Si algo salió mal y sentís la necesidad de hacer algo al respecto, es completamente legítimo buscar ayuda. Sobre todo, es importante recordar que nada de esto es tu culpa. Aquí encontrarás contactos útiles para obtener ayuda dependiendo de lo que te haya sucedido.

El primer paso es siempre denunciar este comportamiento a través de la aplicación para que nuestro servicio de atención al cliente pueda tomar las medidas necesarias para evitar que esta persona vuelva a victimizar a otros.

Si algo salió mal y sentís la necesidad de hacer algo al respecto, es completamente legítimo buscar ayuda. Sobre todo, es importante recordar que nada de esto es tu culpa. Aquí encontrarás contactos útiles para obtener ayuda dependiendo de lo que te haya sucedido.

El primer paso es siempre denunciar este comportamiento a través de la aplicación para que nuestro servicio de atención al cliente pueda tomar las medidas necesarias para evitar que esta persona vuelva a victimizar a otros.

Si algo salió mal y sentís la necesidad de hacer algo al respecto, es completamente legítimo buscar ayuda. Sobre todo, es importante recordar que nada de esto es tu culpa. Aquí encontrarás contactos útiles para obtener ayuda dependiendo de lo que te haya sucedido.

El primer paso es siempre denunciar este comportamiento a través de la aplicación para que nuestro servicio de atención al cliente pueda tomar las medidas necesarias para evitar que esta persona vuelva a victimizar a otros.

If something goes wrong and you feel the need, it is perfectly legitimate to seek support. Most importantly, remember that none of this is your fault. Here you will find useful contacts to get help depending on what happened to you.

The first step is always to report this behavior through the application so that our customer service can take the necessary measures to prevent this person from victimising others.

In case of direct emergency

  • Police, Fire, Ambulance: 999

  • Non-Emergency Police: 101

  • Non-Emergency Medical Advice (NHS): 111

In case of rape or assault, domestic abuse, or for women-related emergencies

  • National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247

  • Rape Crisis England & Wales: 0808 802 9999

  • Women's Aid: Live chat available via their website

In case of cyberbullying or cybercrime

  • Action Fraud (National Cyber Crime Reporting Centre): 0300 123 2040

In case of discrimination

  • Equality Advisory Support Service (EASS): 0808 800 0082

In case of disaster

  • Local Council Emergency Services: Contact your local council directly

  • Environment Agency (Flooding & Environmental Incidents): 0800 807 060

If something goes wrong and you feel the need, it is perfectly legitimate to seek support. Most importantly, remember that none of this is your fault. Here you will find useful contacts to get help depending on what happened to you.

The first step is always to report this behavior through the application so that our customer service can take the necessary measures to prevent this person from victimising others.

In case of direct emergency

  • Police, Fire, Ambulance: 999

  • Non-Emergency Police: 101

  • Non-Emergency Medical Advice (NHS): 111

In case of rape or assault, domestic abuse, or for women-related emergencies

  • National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247

  • Rape Crisis England & Wales: 0808 802 9999

  • Women's Aid: Live chat available via their website

In case of cyberbullying or cybercrime

  • Action Fraud (National Cyber Crime Reporting Centre): 0300 123 2040

In case of discrimination

  • Equality Advisory Support Service (EASS): 0808 800 0082

In case of disaster

  • Local Council Emergency Services: Contact your local council directly

  • Environment Agency (Flooding & Environmental Incidents): 0800 807 060

If something goes wrong and you feel the need, it is perfectly legitimate to seek support. Most importantly, remember that none of this is your fault. Here you will find useful contacts to get help depending on what happened to you.

The first step is always to report this behavior through the application so that our customer service can take the necessary measures to prevent this person from victimising others.

In case of direct emergency

  • Police, Fire, Ambulance: 999

  • Non-Emergency Police: 101

  • Non-Emergency Medical Advice (NHS): 111

In case of rape or assault, domestic abuse, or for women-related emergencies

  • National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247

  • Rape Crisis England & Wales: 0808 802 9999

  • Women's Aid: Live chat available via their website

In case of cyberbullying or cybercrime

  • Action Fraud (National Cyber Crime Reporting Centre): 0300 123 2040

In case of discrimination

  • Equality Advisory Support Service (EASS): 0808 800 0082

In case of disaster

  • Local Council Emergency Services: Contact your local council directly

  • Environment Agency (Flooding & Environmental Incidents): 0800 807 060